Forgiveness. For You. For Them. For a better future.
I can’t imagine not having forgiveness in my life. It is the key to freedom, true freedom of the soul and being at peace with where you...

Happiness is Within Your Grasp
Do you depend solely on your partner for your happiness? Does your day fall or rise depending on how they treat you, text you, talk to...
2016 Best Festivals to GO TO!
2016 is lining up to be a great year for festivals! There are options for every walk of life on any kind of budget, for just the two of...

Great Ways to Start The New Year with Your Love
The confetti has settled, you are back to work from the holidays and now the real goals start. How do you want to start this 2016 off...

Christmas, Family & New Love...
It's Christmas Eve! You are getting ready to go visit family, or are already there and you have brought.....your new love. Maybe your...

Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Partner 2015
Christmas is only a week away! Many people are still shopping till they get to Christmas Eve though, especially with so many...

Taking it Back - Dating like its 1955
We love the modern age, technology, fast meals, lots of entertainment...but what about slowing it down? Just for dating purposes? What...

Best Hot Romance Novels of 2015
We are getting close to 2016 and we have had some great reading this year to keep us hot and tantalized! Many books have gone to the...

Blended Families & Your Love Life
When you think of Thanksgiving, usually people are going home to family. What is your family dynamic though, right at home? If you have...

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Time Alone = Better Time Together
When you are in a relationship and you are constantly with one another, living together, married, whatever the case may be, sometimes the...