The Quirky Things Kids Do When You are Trying to Get it On
When you have children, it is always a gamble to try and sneak away to get some lovin' from your partner. Smaller kids can be especially...

Dress for Success - In a relationship!
You read that right, dressing for success isn't just for the job market, that big event you are going to or for the first date...it is...

Finding your Role and the Roles we Play
When you are talking about 'role playing', that could mean many different things...like a nurse outfit and a "sick patient" getting some...

Breaking the Patterns of Relationship Failure
In a relationship, in a relationship and then in a relationship...but they keep failing. Do you ever wonder why you are a serial dater,...

The Elephant and The Donkey...What to do when your politics clash!
One thing we tend to learn as adults are a few things about manners; never talk about politics, religion or weight on a first date. Or...

Intimacy During Sex
noun noun: intimacy close familiarity or friendship; closeness. So often we forget about the friendship and open communication we long...

Creating a Memory vs. Grinding Through Your Day
We have all done it. You look back at your week and you can barely remember what you did, if it was important, if it was...memorable. ...

Breaking down the walls! How to be vulnerable to your partner.
Trust is a big part of our relationships. Being able to trust the other person and let them into our deepest, darkest parts; the ones...

Making Sure Sex Does Not Become a Chore!
So you have sex, and it's just a-okay. It becomes a chore, more of a comfortable thing that you ought to do in a relationship but...

Your Senses Are Reacting! Does it mean love??
So you have noticed your senses are firing off! The little tingles, the butterflies, the hot flashes, the sick tummy...does it mean you...