Friends Balance Your Love Life - Take a Recess
When you were a kid and it was 'recess time' did you ever think that it was making your focus and the schoolwork better? No, you just...

Hitting Your Sexual Peaks & Valleys - How to keep your love life going.
Everyone's sexual peaks are different based on chemistry, natural attraction, health and age. When you are in a healthy lifestyle with a...

Symbols of Love
Many symbols in history of love are correlated to religion or worship based on cultural belief systems and what they valued. Some...

The SCIENCE of Lovvvvve.
Have you ever wondered WHY you are attracted to someone more than maybe that rich hottie that everyone wants you to date but you can not...

Dating for the Ages | Ideas for Every Stage of Life
Dating is a wonderful outing we set aside from our busy week to give that special someone our quality time. Dates don't have to be...

Levels of Commitment - Which one are you?
Commitment is a different animal for everyone. Some of us like long term forever, some like casual and frequent, others like to build up...

Best Romance Movies for Same Sex Couples
Here are some of the top romantic movies about love and discovering oneself 1. Drifting Flowers A beautiful foreign film about love being...

5 Most Beautiful Places to have Sex in the World
We all know there are several places to go all over the world that are absolutely amazing. So many nature spots, resorts, fun adventures...

How to have 'the talk' with your teen about sex.
Having the 'sex talk' with your teen may be a little different than when you got it many years ago. Now with movies, video games,...

How to Make Love Making Last Longer
When you think of foreplay, do you think of a quick kiss on the cheek and now here we go!? Nooooo, you think of a warm up! A warm up...