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Being Thankful, is to Be Happy

As you are preparing for this fall holiday where you feel like you are being rushed to get last minute projects done, cleaning the house for company, shopping like crazy, or just being sad because you are far from anyone you love...this is the time to be thankful. When society is all around you telling you that you should be this, or have that, or you should feel this or not feel at is good to look inward and see what you truly believe in and what truly makes you feel light and alive!

Being thankful can be hard, especially if you struggle financially, if you are having a rough time in your relationships, if you have had a falling out with family or friends, or if work is going down the tubes. It is a time of change right now, a time of chaos and there is a lot to stress out about. However, when you can see the small things that make your life great, especially with your partner, then you are moving forward.

1. Stop and smell the flowers

Look up at the sky, breathe in the fresh air, watch the birds fly or the trees sway in the wind. Find a quiet moment each day to appreciate something in nature around you, something you may have taken for granted and mentally, really feel thankful for it. Example: "I look out at the rain, the heavy drops streaming down the glass of my window, and I see the magic of the green earth coming back again."

2. Really stop and listen

Make some time to call a special friend or family member and ask them what they are grateful for, tell them you are grateful for them and really listen to what they are saying, how they are feeling and have some quality conversation with them. Remember to be thankful that they are in your life, that they care about you and that you are never alone.

3. Be loving

Hug your friends, hug your close co-workers, snuggle with your partner, make some extra time to just hold one another, kiss your kids, hold hands as you walk along, hold hands in the car, touch, touch, loving and thankful for the loving touches back. Feel more affectionate and remember that each day is precious and that person could be ripped from your life, that every moment is an opportunity for a memory and that those are far more important than material things.

Remember to think of all of the wonderful qualities of your partner, why you fell in love with them, how they fit your needs and how they make you feel. Be thankful for their companionship, how it would be if they were not in your life and to not take your days together for granted. Then you will feel will feel content.

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