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Dating Ideas for Fall - Part Two

It's that time again when you need some more hot date ideas for the fall season! We are moving into Harvest festivals, Halloween and Farmer's markets. Lots of fresh food, crisp nights and bright stars out...awwww.

Sex and Love Therapy

1. Amateur NIGHT

Find a local club or venue that is hosting an amateur night where you can hone in on your skills as a comedian, singer, poet or musician! Wow your date and have a good boost of confidence. If you aren't up for putting on the show just watch and listen to your locals go up and try their best! Follow up with a fun dinner and drinks.

Sex and Love Therapy

2. Scary Movies & Halloween!

Start your night dressing up in costumes and going to a Halloween party, a costume friendly event or bar and getting some good grub. Then follow up with a trip through a local haunted house scare and a horror flick to really get close later!

Sex and Love Therapy

3. Learn a Language

Take language classes or do some at home study coarse where you both learn a language you want to talk to each other in. You can be in your own little world and feel a special connection each time you talk to one another in your other language. Follow up your classes with the cuisine native to the culture!

Sex and Love Therapy

4. Restaurant Hop

Plan out about 5-7 local restaurants close by that you can go in and quickly taste an appetizer at, then move on to the next one. Pair them with cocktails or wine, rate them, pretend you are foodie critiques and have fun with new tastes!

Sex and Love Therapy

5. Make Shirts!

Grab some plain white t-shirts at your local craft store with some fabric dye and whatever else you want to make the design with. There are all kinds of cool things like buttons, pins, badges, fabric markers, etc. You can tie-die them or just make a cool artistic display of your personality. It is a fun project and every time you wear them you will remember the date.

Keep following our blog for more awesome date ideas to keep your love happy and spicy.

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